Since hook functionality was opened up in WordPress, life is great for developers because we no longer have to temper the theme code to introduce something as small as a top bar for promotion.
However, it was a pain in the a** trying to figure out where all the hooks are located (especially mobile).
As such, here’s a quick guideline for navigation hooks, and with mobile as well.
Original without hooksDesktop with hooksCollapsed menuExpanded menu
Honorable mention
There’s an official GeneratePress hooks visual guide at the official site (without the mobile version).
It’s not a huge deal, but I just thought it would be even more helpful to see the differences between how one behaves on a desktop and in mobile.
GeneratePress documentation – Hooks Visual Guide
Thoughts on hooks
Ultimately, the goal of any good business website is to generate leads/convert traffic into opportunities.
To encourage the odd of conversion, it is proven by data that having a prominent CTA on the top right-hand corner is one of the best ways to achieve such results.
Mobile header
Desktop header
To place a prominent button at the end of the main menu, the two available configurations are:
Setting in GeneratePress
However, the way those two hooks behave is a bit different from what most of us would expect – showing up at the end of the mobile menu bar. So, make sure to take extra steps to cater to the mobile view when optimizing for lead conversion with a CTA button inside the main menu bar!
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