
Growing with data as product manager – Ft. Vick Antonyan

Vick Antonyan speaking about Product Management at Ivan Oung's podcast - "Price For Growth".

In this episode, our guest, Vick Vahram Antonyan shares his personal journey of discovery, highlighting the importance of data in today’s competitive landscape. We discuss how he harnessed the power of data analytics to unlock opportunities and make a significant impact in their career as a product manager.

Through insightful reflections and real-life experiences, Vick introduces his unique approach to problem-solving, emphasizing the crucial role of money as a numeric representation of the problem’s magnitude, urgency, and relevance. He explains how he embarked on a quest to become more relevant and identified a niche scope where they could utilize their existing tools to make a meaningful impact.

Join us on this captivating journey into the world of data analytics. Don’t miss out on this game-changing podcast that will inspire and enlighten you on the power of data analytics in today’s digital landscape.


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